The Moldova Mission team left on June 20th and hit the ground running (though a bit jet lagged). They have been busy with clinics, home visits, VBS, and many other duties. Pictures below are of the team getting ready to depart. Getting to know and interact with the Moldovan people is a blessing. Each of the team members enjoy being able to tell them about Christ. Many are thirsting to hear the Word. However, people are the same all over. Below is a picture of a child at VBS, ready and eager to accept Christ. Also pictured is an woman who refused God's gift. Amazing how the simple Gospel message has so much appeal and acceptance with a child and not so much as we grow up and get "wiser." Shouldn't we all be so humble as a child (Matt 18:4). The facial expressions say it all. Please pray that the Holy Spirit will convict her and she will accept Christ. Lastly, a peek at the everyday dramas missionaries encounter when the go beyond the good old USA. Pictured below is a public restroom facility in one of the villages. Pretty typical though in this and other poorer countries. Hardly persecution (though that happens all too much to foreign Christians and missionaries), but it reminds us of the hardships they have to endure in their work for the Lord. Please pray for your missionaries.
Tomorrow the Fair Lady will be on her way to Moldova for a mission trip with the Rehoboth Baptist Association. She and four others will be leaving for a nine day trip. While there, they will be conducting VBSs in villages (sometimes two per day!), helping in medical clinics, witnessing in homes, helping provide food and clothes, and a host of of other activities. Please pray for the team's health and strength as they do the work of spreading the Gospel and showing God's love for the Moldovan people. Shown below is a whole suitcase of VBS supplies and tracts we will use.
Praise God! The first half of the rent for the Fairground space has been paid. Thank you Lamar! The second and final payment of $892 is due August 2nd. Please pray it will be provided. Fair preparations have been underway all year, but will really get going in late July. Tracts and other materials have been secured, but a few other items remain to be obtained. Trainings will begin in late summer and continue right up until Fair week to prepare newcomers to present the Wordless Book at the tent. Pray that there will be workers for the harvest.
We recently lost a magnificent soul winner, Bud Snow, on May 29th. He was 91. He and his wife Jean traveled all across the country telling the Gospel story in tent ministries at all kinds of fairs. There is no counting of the souls they have reached for Christ. The tent we use now at the Georgia National Fair is the very same one they used for so many years. He and his wife Jean were even married in the tent! He has obtained his rest and is now in Heaven with the Lord having been a good and faithful servant. We miss you Bud, but rejoice in your homecoming! |
AuthorMattie Coonce Archives
September 2024