I have a wonderful opportunity to go on my fourth mission trip to Moldova on May 14 through May 25th; 2016.This trip is through the Georgia Baptist Convention and with the Rehoboth Baptist Association of Middle Georgia. I am asking for your help. First, I would love to have your prayer support as I go to Moldova. Second, I must raise 1500 dollars plus travel insurance, in order to go. I would appreciate any help you could give me towards this amount. Any money given towards this mission trip will go directly into a Moldova account for me through my church. 100% of the monies collected will go directly to the expenses of the travel. All tract, bibles, supplies etc. are covered by the association.
Please send your support to:Houston Lake Baptist Church 2300 HWY.127 East, Perry, Georgia 31069
Denote on the check: Moldova Mission Trip/ Mattie Lynn Coonce
Moldova is a small country about the size of Maine (less than a million people) between Romania and the Ukraine. It stayed under the communist rule until 2010. The country voted to go back under democratic status. Moldovans are steep in Orthodoxy and the difficulty witnessing is that they want to go to heaven but can’t because they have sinned. It is very difficult to convince them that Jesus died for their past and future sins, and they CAN know they have eternal life through faith in Him.
What the team did on past Moldova trips:
One on one witnessing and prayer walks. (Many people trusted Christ as Savior last year)
Medical Clinics. The association enlists a doctor/pharmacist to go out to the small villages and provide medical and pharmaceutical supplies.
Hundreds of reading glasses were distributed last year.
Vacation Bible School was conducted last year.
Bibles / tracts were provided
The Gospel message went out before us through an interpreter most everywhere we went!
bags of groceries were distributed last year in the small communities and we shared the Good news with the families we reached.
In the past years the team also visited prisons, youth detention centers and orphanages.
It is exciting to see where and how God will use the Moldova Team this year.
I am taking a giant leap of faith by saying yes to the mission trip and trusting God to bless and meet all my need according to His riches in Glory, as I Go….Mark 16:15
Thank you for helping as I go on this overseas mission trip.
May God richly bless you!