Good day to all who so lovely and generously supported my going to Moldova this year. Oh what a wonderful and joyful opportunity to serve the Lord with my brother and sisters nearly 7,000 miles away in Moldova!
Thirteen missionaries went this year.
Seven team members went north to the village of Balti and seven of us went south to the village of Annenni Noi. Seven of the missionaries were from my church, Houston Lake Baptist! It was also wonderful to serve alongside familiar faces from home. We were graciously and comfortably housed at the Philadelphia church in Annenni Noi.
Each morning pastor Igor Seramet started our day with devotions. Psalm 119 was his focus as we prepared our hearts, minds and hands to serve our creator and Lord as we ministered to the people in the nearby village, Herbovat Nue (New). As the team closed in prayer each day, we individually prayed in our own tongue, this act of worship always overwhelmed my heart with great joy. It helped me realize where I was, and how much I depended on the Holy Spirit to help me communicate the need of a savior to the people we would talk with throughout the day (by means of an interrupter)
After devotions, on the Monday, the team divided grocery items into 70 or more bags. Some bags were taken each morning by our team with their interrupter into homes in this small village. We always shared the Gospel and love of Christ as we gave them the groceries and always invited them to the church in Annenni Noi. Many wept and were greatly touched. We were told they felt as though their village was forgotten about, and that no one cared about them. They were amazed we did this without an expectation of money in return. The total professions for Monday and Tuesday for me was 16.
Wednesday we gave out reading glasses at the church in Annenni Noi from 10am -6pm. The line to receive glasses was never ending ALL day! Inside the church were three stations set up with a team member and an interrupter (prepared to share the Gospel using the wordless book), glasses (various strengths) and of course a bracelet and a Gospel tract (Romania and Russia). The village of Annenni Noi has a mix of both langues. This is extra tiring and straining on our interrupters, and it kept me on my toes as some of my story did not translate well to Russia as it did to Romania! (Example: Lamb of God did not translate, or my familiar use of ABC ). Professions of faith at my glasses station was 68 that day! There were some people who did not wait for me to share the Gospel as they had to go back to work. But most listened and were very responsive. Another challenge in presenting the Gospel to the Moldavians is communicating the concept of accepting Gods free gift of Jesus Christ as their “personal” savior. I try to make them understand they need Jesus in their heart and life before they can get to God. Many feel they are fine because they pray all the time and go to the Orthodox Church. Only God knows the ones who truly call on Him to save them. Only He can save!
Thursday we did home visits in the am. My record, (7 professions) Friday (2 refused, 9 profession) Thursday, Friday and Saturday afternoon we held a VBS in the afternoon. This was my very first time of conducting a VBS in an open field with cows, goats, wild turkeys, and geese as on-lookers! Our team set out plastic tarps on the ground. Some of us took the smaller children and did bubbles with them, while others played games with the older ones. We all started with songs though. IT WAS SUCH A BLAST! We had No idea how many children would show up. The first day we had 64 and a lot of parents and older siblings. After presenting the Gospel on Thursday, There were at least 25 show of hands. It was hard to count them and that’s where I am thankful God knows how many heard and believed!!
Saturday was an awesome morning. We were allowed to set up glasses again and conduct clinic at the elementary school in the village. I recorded 26 professions that morning. Since it was a small village, many of the people that came in to the clinic, had already heard the gospel at one event or the other throughout the week. While our team was doing the glasses ministry, a team of local Romanian and Russian doctors set up a free clinic in different rooms of the school. Pastor Igor has been working with the same team of doctors several years now. They volunteer their time and expertise to help the local people get the basic medical care, at no cost to them. The Medical team this year included, a cardiologist, pediatrician, GYN, Pharmacist and a general practitioner. The Rehoboth Baptist Association purchases the medical supplies, VBS material, Food items and many other purchases as needed by the mission team throughout the week.
The elementary school was so nice and well managed. The principal and teachers were very proud of their school and put so much love, sacrifice and energy into making it a wonderful learning environment for the children. Our team were ask to “roll up the rug” to help keep it clean for the youngsters. We tried to make sure we followed all their request in hopes they will let us use it again in the future.
As our two vans left Herbovat Nue village that day for the last time, I was amazed at how many people came out to say goodbye to us. They lined the road in the small village and shouted “La revedere” (lah reh-veh-DEH-reh) Praise is to God for allowing me to be a small part in reaching these sweet people with the love ofChrist and give them hope and eternal life through Him.
Isaiah 52:7 How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of him that bringeth good tidings, that publisheth peace; that bringeth good tidings of good, that publisheth salvation; that saith unto Zion, Thy God reigneth!
One of my highlights this year and every year occurs on Sunday morning. It is an amazing and wonderful privilege to worship alongside my brothers and sisters in Moldova church service. As the Spirit of God fell on that service, I could not hold back the tears of emotion as pastor Igor preached from Gods word in his Romanian tongue. Beside him was a Russian translator, and in the row behind us, sat another translator relaying the message to our team,in English. What a blessing it was to fellowship and worship our Lord God together in THREE separate languages!
Psalm 95:6
Come, let us worship and bow down, Let us kneel before the LORD our Maker.
Below I have printed several pictures of the various mission work.
I thank God for giving me the physical, mental and emotional strength to go back to Moldova this fourth year. I thank you again for your loving support of prayers and offerings to further this important mission work. May God bless you.