Dear Friends,
Many people stopped by to encourage us at the Saint Lucie County Fair Tent Ministry, February 28 through March 8, 2020. One man said he heard me tell him the story last year and he said it made such a difference in his life and he and his family have been going to church ever since. I was telling a 12-year-old boy the story when his phone rang. He answered and said, "Mom, I'm at church where they tell the story." He also prayed to receive Christ.
The team shared the wordless book with 2266 people in our 10X20 foot tent, and 1097 prayed to receive Christ. Praise the Lord! We had seven out-of-town workers and sixteen story-tellers from our church, Liberty Baptist Church, sharing the good news from the wordless book.
We gave out 15 cases of KJV Bibles of 24 each and 3 cases of KJV New Testaments of 100 each along with much follow-up material. All in all we had a great fair. Pray ye the LORD of the harvest that the seed sown might be nurtured and grow in the hearts of the new believers. Praise His Holy Name!
Ray Dunn